Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Test-Run

Last night I had some of the WCW (Wildly Creative Women) girls come by.

t always the brightest bulb in the pack, I forgot to take pictures until clean up was well underway and everyone was packing up to leave :( Thought I'd share those I did get!

We had an awesome beginning Batik lesson from Jeannie and Kate. Boy were everyone's creations beautiful! While we were waiting for them to dry, Heidi showed us how to make little wire spiders. We switched from wire to fuzzy pipe cleaners so we could all figure it out. My sparkly gold spider may not be the most realistic but I learned how and the world could use a little more sparkle. Don't you think?

OH: The chairs came!!!!
Just barely in time. Yes, "Amazing Demo Handyman Carpenter Chair-put-together Guy" was putting them together as fast as the girls were arriving.


  1. Yipee for chairs! Phew - glad that worked out!

  2. I was skeptical to say the least :)

  3. Ya' just gotta love the "Amazing Demo Handyman Carpenter Chair-put-together Guy"
